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Movies (3)
I see a lot of movies as I work for a distribution company (that I will not name). Too often good movies like this one get looked over in favor of the quick buck return (translation: awful cheap movies). This movie arrived on my desk and quickly became one of my favorites. Wonderfully written, beautifully shot and with great performances. All this from a first time writer and director no less. There are studio films with less to offer. A coming of age film that deals with love sexuality, death and acceptance. It was both funny and touching. I have yet to find anyone in our company who doesn't love this film. Yet we did not choose it for distribution. Don't blame us. The movie going public has got to start supporting good quality character driven films. We are quite simply paid to give you what you ask for. This movie will eventually find an audience and we will be upset that our small company did not have the resources to support it. If you can get your hands on it I would recommend it.
One of the best!
All the good movies are independent!And I've seen them all. This movie was a pleasant surprise. Saw it before all the hype.
Her Best Film
Is it wrong that this is my favorite Angelina Jolie movie? I know she's a good actress and all but she this is the movie I like her best in. Whatever. Hubba Hubba.